Topical anaesthetics to reduce discomfort
Certain areas of the face and body are more sensitive than others. Generally electrolysis is manageable without any form of sensation relief.
The way you approach your session will determine a lot. Since topical anaesthetics frequently aim for minimal sensation, be prepared for tolerable discomfort. These will reduce but not completely eliminate feeling. Before your session, get plenty of sleep and drink plenty of water because fatigue and dehydration increases our susceptibility to pain.
Topical anaesthetics
We advise our clients to consult with their doctor or pharmacist and explain that you will be having electrolysis. These medical professionals will advise on products for sensation / pain management and any associated contraindications. These products will only be sold to you and cannot be supplied by our clinic.
There are only a few topical anaesthetics available over the counter for our clients, these include, EMLA, LMX-4 and Ametop. These products are Pharmacy Only Medicines, and should be given under direction of the pharmacist direct to the user, the client.
As part of your treatment record we will ask you to sign acknowledging that you are using a product which has been prescribed by a medical professional and regulated by the MHRA.